
When people Die, they aren't really Dead

My husband and I were having a discussion this morning. He has long been fascinated with the "unknown" and phenomena of life and the after life. He watches things like Ghost Hunters and those others like it.

His faith was greatly shaken when his mom passed on Christmas Eve only a year, and a few months ago. He just doesn't "know" what happens, but wants to know she is alright. He also believes in God, raised very Catholic (even went to Catholic school.) Yet he still just doesn't "know" there is anything but this.

Me on the other hand....am a strong believer of God and miracles, and life beyond death. But I have also never had someone QUITE that close to me die. Will my faith change? I am sure it would. I don't even want to think of it. There are just certain people that I NEED in this world, to survive and thrive.

Saying that, I still believe...and am trying to help him believe. He says that he asks to "see proof," asks God for contact, a sign, something tangible. But I argue that he does get signs...he just is expecting a certain "type" of sign. He expects a vision of the Holy Virgin Mary...and I said he has to open his heart and mind to experience something so radical as that. There is a reason children often experience these kinds of visions....they fully and wholely are open to the impossible.

He thinks there must be some scientific measure of this, for it to be real....and I say...science may not yet have the tools to truly measure these things, but a human has all the ability in the world to experience it. He says if you can't measure it, it cannot be proven - thus, it is not real.

So that is what we argued about all morning. :) And as he was wrapping up his debate, I said with a loving smile, "Honey, just ask for proof then. Ask to see a ghost." And he said, "I don't WANT to see a ghost, I just want proof." So I said, "Ask for proof, then." (I know he'd crap his pants if he saw a real ghost...so would I now...which is why I ask to be left alone...but I HAVE seen things...which someday I will post.) Anyway...just as I said that, and was leaving the car to go into work, I grabbed something off the dash and next to it was the book my good friend had lent me, called "Glimpse of Heaven."

I said ....here...read this....God is trying to tell you something. Here is your proof. :) (yes, it is small...but we cannot ignore the small signs, because even small signs, most often ...as long as you are firmly on the path of Good and Light, are signs from God. )

I walked into work feeling quite happy and giddy at the realization of such an instant answer. Thank you God, for your amazing miracles.

1 comment:

  1. Is your husband wanting proof of life after death or of God? If he believes in the latter, he won't worry about the former, he'll know it's a given. As for the "scientific proof" he's looking for, is there a scientific tool he can use to measure his love for you or his children (born or unborn)? Sure, he can express that love in material and physical ways, but to actually "measure" his feelings? A barometer, a "love" meter? No. He doesn't have a problem with believing he loves you or his kids but he can't scientifically measure that. He feels it. I agree with you that he needs to open his heart/mind and with a little faith he will "feel' God's love too. Things can be real that we can't measure or necessarily see. One of them is God / Jesus. I think you are right also, he's "seen" God, he just isn't realizing he's seen God because it's doesn't look like he thinks it should look. God is everywhere. Believing without having scientific proof stuck under your nose is called FAITH! and that my dear is what it's all about!
