
A house divided against itself cannot stand!

great words, straight from the bible, quoted by Abe Lincoln.

I have been thinking again...about religion and politics (as they are shoved up my ass every direction I turn)...and realize that there has to be middle ground, middle ground that unites us.

As I argue with my husband about the importance of church, I remind him that "church" is not the bad guy....it is people who use church to create a collective negativity. What I think, is that Christianity especially, needs to get back to its roots...what is the root of "Christianity?" Christ...duh. Even a 2 year old can tell you what the Christian church is about. Jesus loves me this I know....

Church needs to gather its people...to teach them to be united for the collective good. Afterall, what does church do best? Gather good people, in the name of a good man, to pray for other people and "create" positive outcomes. Now...there are many people out there (the true evil in my opinion) creating a negative collective consciousness. When a large group of us push out the same negative thought, it creates a dark cloud that will take the rug out from under us...when we least expect it.

Why spread the darkness, misery, evil and negative? Why not find the common ground? Where in the hell did people get the idea that God/Jesus would be all for capitalism, survival of the fittest, and not taking care of our weary, our tired, our poor? But they preach it, like religion, on one very "Christian" side of the fence.

We are deeply and greatly divided. The purity and reasons for the initial divide were intended perhaps to be "good" but they have been bastardized and turned evil, for their own selfish purposes. I don't claim to never do something purely for my own selfish reason.....I am not perfect....however, I am trying.

When a person gets so far into the lies, and deceit of the "devil"....they believe their own lies, they believe the lies are the Truth of the Word....they no longer can "see" truth. You can look into someone's heart and see "holiness" or a lack of it....but you have to train yourself. You have to learn how.

For the life of me, I cannot really recall how I got to some of the understanding that has been graced upon me...I definitely feel the struggles I have overcome, and the prayers of people who loved me made the difference.

Try something....just pray on one small topic for a week...then set it free to God. Write that prayer down somewhere, so you can refer back to it, but then "forget" about it....and see what unfolds. Prayer is a strong believing that you can ask God to make a change, and the Faith you have that it will happen. This is what people like Wayne Dyer also talk about, in a sense, with their power of intention and creation...however...people can't take "God" out of this equation.

I honestly feel that not everyone was ready for "The Secret"....it is almost like the tree the knowledge of good and evil. That is our roots....we have tasted the fruit...but what are we going to do with it? I pray the world seeks to do good, because people...we have the power....With God and His Holy Spirit...we really do have the power to change the world, even if just one person at a time.

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