

yup....Jesus. Though i humbly write about His name, I must note that I am not a preacher...so don't be put off by the title too much. My friends who know me, know I am not your typical Christian....but that doesn't mean I don't know Jesus, and know who butters my bread.

Jesus was someone who should be understood, even if you weren't raised Christian. Just like Buddha, or the Dalai Lama, or Mother Theresa....He was a man to know. I personally believe he is the Son of God, but one doesn't necessarily need to, in order to be moved and inspired by His greatness. I am still not saying you should go out and convert to Christianity, but just understand it a bit more.

As a man, he did some amazing things, healing the sick, comforting the weary, bringing food to the hungry, opening the hearts of the "wicked" and sooo much more. There are so many stories of supernatural occurrences, and from what I have seen (which I will go into more later) I am definitely a believer that he was more than just a mortal man.

Did I always believe? hell no. :) I was a doubting Thomas for sure....but I wanted to believe. I was a smart kid, who liked to question everything...just ask my mom and dad on that one. :) I didn't like how Christian religion was using Jesus as a tool for so much bad! It just seemed to me that they weren't getting the message.

For someone to wear the title of Christian like a huge golden crown on their head, yet be the uttermost judgemental and bigoted individual was appalling. I know most of these people didn't intend to used Him that way, but some should have really known better. Jesus' message comes right from God, and Love, and compassion.....so when Christian pastors/priests would stand in front of me and a congregation and say how Gay people are wicked, or we are all going to perish for our sins....I just shook my head and walked away.

I walked away from many churches....but the sad part was I loved the church itself. I love walking in to a humble chapel, or a giant cathedral and being filled with the Awe and reverence. To this day, I respect any and every Christian Church...yet, I don't feel all to compelled to go there every Sunday, as I know the message is still a bit muddy.

Am I an expert on God, no. Did I go to seminary for many years? No.... Am I even able to compare my self to those who've given their lives to God (nuns, pastors, priests, etc)...definitely not. Do I think EVERYONE is bastardizing the Message? No. I have seen some get it right.

It is the whole. It is the masses. It is those who are turning it into a way to make themselves look high and righteous, when they do more evil than good. When they preach and teach the wrong message (my opinion)....when they make church a circus. I am worried that especially in this country, we are using God to get bad things done, and twisting His words to fit our purposes. (for wars, for death row, for political gain.) Honestly....this probably makes both God and Jesus sad to see, yet these are still their children, and they are likely praying for them to truly see.

I really feel there is bad stuff about, trying to pull the masses to darkness. It comes out as a lamb, but is absolutely the wolf. The thing about these people trying to push this evil, is that they cannot get to me. I can SEE them now for all their darkness....and they don't like me. And sadly, many of the people I love are sheep, who have fallen into this dark lamb's prey. (am I losing anyone here...if so, I apologize) :O)

When I speak of Jesus, I do so because I have to. I do so because I am compelled to, inspired to. I know these things I feel are being sent with good intention. I can only hope one day i am worthy enough to pass His message on...I feel I am being pushed to do so, but I have such a long way to go before I am worthy to.

All I wish to say today is....Open Your Eyes. Be aware of the Truth. Ask Jesus for guidance to The Way of Good and Light and Truth. That is all you have to do for now. Be wary of the people who use Christ in politics....these are definitely wolves...they know our weakness for God and Jesus (after all, most of us WANT to believe in that path of goodness.) And they will exploit it for any need they find. Realize you have THOSE types and then there are those who don't bother to believe....who have forgotten the message. It all comes down to loving people as God would love you. I am not a fan of the bumper stickers, but when you look at the words "what would Jesus do?" .....really take it in.....would Jesus REALLY do that? You have the right to question your Church....and if you don't go to church....you should question it anyway....just see where it takes you. :)

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